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GCSE Equivalency

GCSE equivalents in maths and English are accepted by establishments such as Universities. If you require maths or English GCSE equivalents for higher education or to help improve employment chances then there are a few different exams that can be taken. The two main GCSE equivalents are functional skills and GCSE Equivalency Tests. Depending on what you need the qualification for depends on which one is best for you, for example if you are wanting to gain access to a teacher training course, GCSE Equivalency Tests qualification is the better option. The maths and English functional skills exam is the second main GCSE equivalents. It has 5 levels which the last level (level 2) is what is needed to get the GCSE equivalent qualification. If you are 19 years of age or younger then you can take a functional skills course in college which the government will fund. However, if you are older then you won’t get funding by the government and you will have to apply independently.

On top of those two GCSE equivalents, there are others such as BTEC and NVQ but they are not as popular as functional skills and GCSE Equivalency Tests. Even though there are many different qualifications that you can take, the full GCSE exams are the best but there are only two times during the year that you are able to sit them, therefore they aren’t as practical as functional skills where you aren’t restricted to a certain date where you can take the exam.

We provide one to one sessions to help prepare you for the online functional skills exam and MME is an establishment that we work alongside to provide you with revision materials and help book your exam. You can book to sit the exam at your local testing centre or online in your own home.


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