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Predicted Papers

Predicted papers are papers that are designed around previously used exams, as well as the current subject curriculum. Designed to help boost your understanding of both the subject, as well as figuring out your knowledge level. Allowing you to see exactly which areas you still need to revise. As well as giving you some first-hand experience with what it's like to take the exam.

The predicted papers come with a set of papers, as well as marking schemes. Providing you with the opportunity to mark your papers. Which will give you a clear indication of exactly which areas you still need to revise. As well as displaying exactly how the marks for each type of question are awarded.

At York Maths Tutors, we want to ensure that the papers you end up choosing will be both suitable for the exam you will be taking, as well as high quality. To do this, we have compiled a small list of some of the best predicted papers available.

The papers very in which exam board the format and questions are based off. So ensure that you do your research before choosing which papers you will be using. The Maths predicted papers also offer both foundation and higher tier papers. So if you are looking for maths papers, check which tier you will be taking before choosing your predicted papers.

If you are still unsure or have a question regarding the predicted papers, get in contact with us today!


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